Hello! I am so glad you are here.

I have a deep love for the church and the people of God, and it is my desire to help equip and empower leaders who are passionate about nurturing the spiritual growth of families and the next generation. I love working with individuals and teams to discover creative solutions for ministries and faith based organizations.

It has been my pleasure to serve the church for over 17 years, including roles in family ministries, hospitality, and production. My experiences in various roles and churches gives me a unique perspective to support, encourage, and motivate. I am also a speaker, emcee, and in 2020 I launched the Collide Kids Podcast for families to engage in faith conversations with their children.

How can I serve your ministry?

Photo of Christen Clark
Learn about the
Collide Kids Podcast
Photo of Christen Clark
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Coaching Call
Photo of Christen Clark
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I'd love to hear from you!